This is Why we Need to Take Risks Amazing

Title: Why we Need to Take Risks Word Count: 554 Summary: If you want to get ahead in life you have to take risks. Being the best always comes with the willingness to take chances and in one way or another, this is the same in every aspect of life. Keywords: Psychology, human nature, education, society, news and society, art and entertainment philosophy Article Body: It does not matter if you are a Doctor, a Lawyer or an infantry soldier in the Army if you want to be the best and get ahead, you will need to take risks. A doctor may have to take risks when working with a patient. The Doctor may have to experiment with different forms of medications or new surgical procedures when all else has failed in an attempt to help the patient. A lawyer may have to argue a case in an unorthodox manner to win the case, but if the lawyer wants to become the top lawyer and make millions of dollars fighting high profile cases lots of risks have to be taken. A soldier may have to take a risk and run thru gunfire to save another injured soldier, to complete their mission, or just to secure an area from being overrun by enemy troops, after going days with little to no sleep, but if a soldier wants to get promotions and eventually lead men into battle they also need to take risks. These risks are not unlike someone looking to get rich in a casino, they have to be willing to risk everything they have to get that million dollar payoff. If you play it safe in a casino you may get lucky and win a big jackpot on the slot machines, but if you want to make millions you are going to have to play games such as Poker, Blackjack, Roulette and Craps . These are the games that with some skill, some luck and a lot of risk taking you can retire off your winnings. The same can be said about life in general. No one gets ahead in life from playing it safe. You will not meet your special someone if you are too afraid to risk getting rejected by someone, you will never get that big promotion unless you take risks at your job. It is very important to continue to take risks in life. To stop taking risks means to stand still in life. Standing still in life is one of the main causes of depression. These are usually the people afraid to confront the boss and tell him that they demand a raise; they are the ones that allow life to pass them by out of fear. The entire purpose of fear is to stop you from taking a risk. Fear is nothing more then the unknown. If you have always wanted to quit your job and open a shop but you are too afraid to do it, this is because you are afraid of failing and risking what you already have. It is important to learn to take risks in life if you want to be happy, you may not always get the things you risked for, but you will know that you tried, and in the end it does not matter in my opinion if you succeed or not it is how many risks you try to make that is the real test of how successful you are. Just remember if no one took risks we would be a world without flight and probably no automotive vehicles at all, maybe we would have no electricity. So risk truly is needed to improve the world.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Posted by vuny

This is Why Taking Care Of Mommy Is So Important Amazing

Title: Why Taking Care Of Mommy Is So Important Word Count: 526 Summary: It�s a novel concept, isn�t it; somebody taking care of you? Well, that somebody ultimately has to be you, and I know how it is, you�re way too busy taking care of everybody else to give yourself any time. But, let me tell you why you have to take care of yourself, and give you some ideas as to how to do accomplish this monumental feat. You�re the Mom � and if you�re out of commission, everybody suffers If you can�t manage to take care of yourself, for yourself, then take... Keywords: Baby, babies, infant, parent, mother, child Article Body: It�s a novel concept, isn�t it; somebody taking care of you? Well, that somebody ultimately has to be you, and I know how it is, you�re way too busy taking care of everybody else to give yourself any time. But, let me tell you why you have to take care of yourself, and give you some ideas as to how to do accomplish this monumental feat. You�re the Mom � and if you�re out of commission, everybody suffers If you can�t manage to take care of yourself, for yourself, then take care of yourself for everybody else! A well-rested, happy Mom is much more likely to have happy, thriving children. If you�re tired, or you haven�t had an adult conversation in weeks, it will start to show. You�ll be grumpy to say the least; at worst you could be downright dangerous when doing something like driving a car. A frazzled Mom is no good to anyone. How you treat yourself is how you�re teaching your children to treat you If you never let your children see that you have needs, or that you take the time to meet those needs, you�re teaching them that you are, indeed, a doormat, and should be treated as such. Ok, so now you know you need to take care of yourself, physically and emotionally, but how do you make it happen? Start with your calendar Put some appointments in it that will let you have some time to yourself. You choose the activities that will soothe your soul, but whatever they are, make time for them. A few hours a week devoted to something you love other than your family, will help keep you refreshed and feeling like your old self. Ask for help You know by now that men are different, right? Well, one of the ways they are different is that they don�t mind telling their partner what they need. And they expect the same from us. If you need your husband to plan to watch the baby for three hours every Saturday so that you can have some time to meditate, vegetate, shop, whatever, you need to tell him. He�s not going to come up with that idea on his own, but if you tell him what you need, he�s likely to oblige. Make friends with other women in the same boat There is no substitute for a girlfriend who understands. If you�re a stay at home mom, find some others to hang out with. It may mean some company for you and a play date for your child at the same time. If you�re a working Mom trying to juggle everything, hook up with some other working Mothers to talk things through. It works wonders to know you�re not alone. Plus, you might get some valuable ideas for handling some of the issues you face. As the Mom, you�re really the heart of your family. Your well being translates into everyone�s well being. Take the time to enjoy the whole person that you are, not just the Mom.
Posted by vuny

This is Why so many states are legalizing gambling Amazing

Title: Why so many states are legalizing gambling? Word Count: 515 Summary: For many years gambling has been outlawed in most of the United States, but recently several states have made the move to legalize gambling in one form or another. In this article we will look at why these states decided to make the change Keywords: Gamling, casinos, casino gambling, entertainment, sports and leisure, government, society, Article Body: There are currently 13 states that have legalized gambling and they have over 450 casinos between those states, and they bring in 72 billion dollars a year. From this money states get extra money for road repair, schools and many other things that a state needs money to fix and maintain. In the last 10 years there have also been a large number of Indian casinos being granted licenses in states that do not have legalized gambling, which means the only place t gamble in those states is in the Indian Casino, and they do not pay taxes on that money. Many states are waking up and realizing that there is a very profitable business out there that they are not getting any revenue from, and not only does it bring money into the state it also creates thousands of jobs for each casino that opens. So for a state with a high unemployment rate this means more people are working and less of the stats money needs to be spent on these people, again a win for the state and the people. It also means more money for the state to feed kids a hot meal at lunch and the money to put new books in the classrooms and maybe to build more schools. This money is also used in some states to hire more police officers. Legalized gambling besides bringing in more money to the government in taxes also brings money into the community gamblers will use services such as hotels, restaurants and other local attractions while they are in the area. This can bring a major boost to a small starving economy separate from that of the casino. Another reason why many states are pushing to make gambling legal is to attempt to wipe out the illegal gambling business. Many people feel that if gambling is legalized there is no reason for people to go to sleazy and dangerous back room casinos. These type of places are becoming harder and harder for the police to find and as soon as they do find them, they will either pack up and change locations or another will just take their place. Another bad thing about illegal casinos s that there is no one monitoring to make sure the casino is not cheating their players. In many cases police have raided illegal casinos and found that all the table and card games are rigged for the casino to win, and if this is ever discovered the casinos operators have in the past committed murder to keep their secrets, and most people fear for their lives and refuse to cooperate with the police. Legalized gambling is monitored to make sure both the player and the house are playing an honest game. Do not let all of this make you think that gambling has no downside. A lot of this money has to go to treatment for people, who develop gambling addictions, and most cities with a casino do usually see a rise in crime in those areas, so more police officers are not just a luxury it is a necessity.
Posted by vuny

This is Why Open an Online Casino Now Amazing

Title: Why Open an Online Casino Now? Word Count: 557 Summary: Because of the ban on online gambling, this is the time to set up an online casino. Read why! Keywords: gambling Article Body: The USA has banned online gambling. Or has it? Reading the Post Authority Law, I have found that what they have banned is financial transactions between US financial organizations and online casinos. Why? They cannot ban online casinos because these are not under their jurisdiction. So, have online casinos complied? Some. The large ones have such as Party Gaming and 888, but an American player can still play. So what does that tell us? That gambling is at an all time high in the US and across the world. People like to play games for cash because they love the adrenalin rush they get when they bet money on the outcome of a game. A law, that refuses to acknowledge this is doomed to fail just like a law disallowing people from crossing the road when the signal light is red. What About the Online Casinos? Some, like Golden Casino, use a different name as their financial entity and ,thus, effectively bypass the US law. It pretty much works like this: the online casino does not allow US players but they leave it up to the players to stop playing. In other words, they do accept them, but are legally not liable for them. So Why Should You Open an Online Casino NOW? The US is bubbling with online players anxious to find somewhere or some casino that will accept their cash and allow them to play there. You can take advantage of this gap and this urge and place your casino in that location. Mind you, this is not unique and many online casinos are trying to think of ways to serve the US crowd, but it still is a budding industry because the big players like Playtech and BetonSports have left. Why not get in there and take up that gap? Lets discuss this in financial terms. People are looking for this product and are scouring the city to find it. Why not open an online casino and offer them what they want? The initial costs are high, but the return on your investment will more than justify spending such large sums on purchasing the software. Note that running an online casino is not that difficult once you have bought the relevant software. Then, you have to spend on marketing this product. Use the relevant internet sites, and voile, players will start dropping in at an alarming rate. Another reason to buy or open an online casino is that the law will take a while to take effect. This means that people can still play at casinos without any fear of prosecution. So why not take a plunge? How Can I Open An Online Casino? Contact one of the many software companies dealing with gaming such as MicroGaming, OddsOn and many others and ask. Some of these will even allow you to use their services such as customer and technical services while you just sit back and watch the money grow in your account. Is that something or not? Conclusion: Opening or buying an online casino now is still if not more profitable than before. But do not take my word for it alone. Look up google or yahoo and research this for yourself. You will be surprised at the number of new casinos coming up. Join this rush for cash too or be left behind.
Posted by vuny

This is Why Marijuana Should be Legal Amazing

Title: Why Marijuana Should be Legal Word Count: 516 Summary: Many Americans feel that Marijuana is helping fund the war on terror, but making a war on drugs and keeping Marijuana illegal has not stopped millions of Americans from smoking pot everyday. So what is the answer? Keywords: drugs, society, law, government and society,smoking, health Article Body: Many Americans feel that Marijuana is helping fund the war on terror, but making a war on drugs and keeping Marijuana illegal has not stopped millions of Americans from smoking pot everyday. So what is the answer? First, why is Marijuana illegal? In the 1930's William Randolph Hearst, who had significant financial interests in the timber industry testified to congress on the evils of marijuana, saying things like it make people insane and commit acts of cannibalism? at this time very few even knew what it was and to stop people from going insane Congress decided to make it illegal. The truth is many paper manufacturers were thinking of changing from using trees to make paper to using hemp because it was cheaper and easier to grow and better for the environment, and Hearst stood to loose millions so he used his influence and testimony to help get marijuana banned in the USA. So now that we know why it was made illegal, we can realize that not only would making it legal in the United States stop terrorist from smuggling it into the USA, but would give us another option to cutting down of millions of trees every year for paper products that can be made better from hemp. Hemp has thousands of uses that we are unable to exploit because of its illegal status. During WWII hemp was used for the rigging on parachutes as well as rope and material for uniforms. Nowadays Marijuana can be used to relieve pain and some of the effect of cancer treatments and old age. It has been proven to slow down the spreading of Alzheimer's, relieve the pressure behind the eyes from glaucoma. It also helps relieve migraine headaches and the side effect of cancer treatment. But until the United States realizes how much money can be made from legalizing it, it will remain illegal. This is much like the situation with online casinos in the USA. America was sending billions of dollars out of the country and the government needed to do something to keep the money here, so they banned Online Casino and just like online casinos and online gambling I believe one day the government will learn to take advantage of these things instead of just banning them. Eventually the USA will realize that the best way to stop the flow of money out of the country is not to ban marijuana or online casinos, but to enter the market and compete. If the USA did what Amsterdam has done the government would make not only billions in Taxes from the sales of Marijuana, but the economy would boom from all the tourism that it would bring in from all over the world. The truth of the matter is that legalization is inevitable. The attitude of people has changed so drastically over the last 30 years, that eventually when the younger generations start to take over marijuana will eventually become legal because they understand the truth, and that is banning something only makes the market for it stronger.
Posted by vuny

This is Why do we need some good old fashion advice Amazing

Title: Why do we need some good old fashion advice Word Count: 579 Summary: The article deals with the topic of counseling as a means to seek external help for solving one's problems and issues in life. The article also tackles the different reasons why people refuse to get counseling and therapy. Some of the reasons cited in this article include denial, social stigma, fear, and intolerance of religion as a platform for counseling. Keywords: stress, counseling, depression Article Body: Problems are part of life that come in different shapes and sizes --- minor inconveniences to crisis situations that no one can even outrun or wish away. There is no other way to escape these trials of faith and sanity other that to face them head on. Among the difficulties faced by people everyday, none is so distressing and painful as a relationship problem. Often, these relationship squabbles cause so much stress and depression. The fight between couples can become so overblown that the only way for the fight to end is for a mediator to come in. Sometimes, a mediator is needed as a third party �referee� or �peacemaker.� The mediator is also expected to provide the feuding parties the necessary guidance and counseling. Still, many who are involved in a tussle refuse to acknowledge the need for counseling. Whether it is a married or engaged couple, siblings, or very close friends who suddenly became bitter enemies � the thought of seeking professional help just does not come to mind. Many are held back from asking for counseling due to the following reasons: l State of Denial � Angry people sometimes deny the existence of a problem. With stubborn pride, an angry person can just fume away and dismiss the need to control anger and resolve a problem by saying that, �...this too shall pass.� People can also camouflage or mask their vulnerabilities by refusing to seek help. They see counseling as a situation that will expose themselves for who they are --- warts and all. That kind of vulnerability is avoided at all costs and, as a result, people who need help enter into a state of denial. l Social Stigma � Most people have a misconception that only �crazy� or �insane� people go to therapy. This mindset prevents a lot of people from getting the help they need because they value more �what others think� about them rather than what they need emotionally and psychologically. They fail to see the value of professional counseling which is expected to be objective, scientific, and results-oriented. l Plain Fear � The fear of facing the truth and reliving painful experiences like sexual abuse, physical abuse, drug addiction, or trauma from violent incidents prevent people from coming to a counselor. Remembering painful memories are usually part of counseling sessions and therapy. These memories cause fear and anxiety on the part of the patient. But if a person in great stress or someone who is suffering from severe depression neglects to get proper therapy, it can be expected that the problem would get worse. Reopening a painful emotional wound is never pleasant but we will never be healed unless we learn to face and eventually cast away all painful memories of the past. Through counseling, people with serious problems can learn to adjust and cope with their present emotional and psychological struggles. l Religious Stigma - Some associate counseling with religion or dogmatic beliefs, making the act of getting counseling uncomfortable for those who are not religious or are not into spirituality. While so many people have found comfort and refuge in church-based counseling sessions, many are still wary of getting counseling there since they think they will have to become a member of the church. Some people are strong enough to face life's storms while others need to counseling to cope with problems. Either way, both take time and commitment so that one can see positive results, and hopefully, a resolution of problems that make life challenging.
Posted by vuny

This is Why Do We Celebrate Grandparents Day Amazing

Title: Why Do We Celebrate Grandparents Day? Word Count: 372 Summary: Grandparents are extraordinary people. They have stories to tell that expand our horizons and views of life formed through years of experience that we cannot begin to fathom. We should feel lucky to benefit from this, and our grandparents feel privileged to be able to share these experiences with us. Keywords: holiday, family, party, recreation, grandparents day, grandparent Article Body: Grandparents Day began with the idea of honoring the elderly and championing the cause of the lonely in nursing and retirement homes. Marian McQuade, a housewife from West Virginia, brainstormed the idea, which was later to become a nationally recognized holiday, thanks to Jimmy Carter in 1978. Now the holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day, in September one of the first holidays of the school year that greatly affects most students. McQuade, the original founder of Grandparents Day, is the mother of fifteen children, grandmother of forty, and great-grandmother of three. With so many descendants, she was well aware of the special bond that children should have with their grandparents. While mothers and fathers are the main source of discipline and example in a child�s life, his or her grandparents have a profound affect on viewpoints. Without the wisdom of the grandparents, many children today wouldn�t understand what it was like to grow up without the technology and amenities of today�s world and wouldn�t appreciate what they have nearly as much. Another reason to celebrate our grandparents on Grandparents Day is simply because they help to raise us and shape us into the men and women we will become. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child, and in many families, grandparents baby-sit and share in the responsibility of �bringing up baby�. With both parents entering the workforce today, coupled with rising daycare costs, retired grandparents have become perhaps the most dependable source of daily child care, meaning they are becoming more prominent in children�s lives. And, while they�ve already raised a family of their own, most grandparents are willing and even eager to take part in their grandchildren�s care and development. Grandparents are extraordinary people. They have stories to tell that expand our horizons and views of life formed through years of experience that we cannot begin to fathom. We should feel lucky to benefit from this, and our grandparents feel privileged to be able to share these experiences with us. Overall, grandparents are a great resource for us, and if we can celebrate mothers and fathers, we can definitely recognize grandparents for their achievements in life.
Posted by vuny

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